Restore Balance and Connection In Your Life

Somatic Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples Ready to Heal

In-person in Philadelphia and online throughout Pennsylvania


Every single day feels like a never-ending uphill battle.

You wake up each morning filled with anxiety about the day and week ahead.

The clock is always ticking, and you feel like you’re running in circles.

It’s like trying to keep your head above water in a raging sea of stress.

You wonder what’s wrong with you.

That critical inner voice in your head is constantly shouting, “Why can’t you keep it together?”

Everyone around you seems to be living happy, normal, successful lives with such ease.

Meanwhile, you pretend to be doing okay, but you’re desperately struggling inside.

Relationships are suffering.

You’re always irritable, fighting with your partner over nothing, snapping at loved ones without warning.

Or you withdraw from others, not expecting much from relationships.

No one seems to understand what you’re going through, and you feel so alone.

Nothing you do seems to make any difference.

You’ve tried adopting new exercise routines, meditation practices, and self-help habits. You started eating healthier, sleeping more, and trying to communicate better.

But even when things seem to help briefly, they don’t make any sort of lasting change.

This is not how you imagined your life, and now you’re unsure if you’ll ever feel any better.

There is another way.

You deserve so much more from life than merely getting by.

It’s possible to live that life of joy, connection, and purpose you’ve always dreamed of.

Therapy can help you find the path forward. It takes effort, but you are worth it!

let’s talk

Hi, I’m Sanela.

Double Lines

It is my mission to help you rediscover joy, heal your past, and identify the obstacles holding you back from the life you’re meant to live.

As each of us heals, I believe that we become powerful agents of healing for others. This creates a ripple effect that helps heal our own family dynamics and carries change to the unknown corners of the world, touching lives we may never know. I’d like you to be a part of that ripple.

It’s time to experience the power and joy of healing for yourself and start acting as the agent of change for the lives you touch.

Don’t wait another moment settling for less than you deserve. Reach out now, and let’s get started!

More about me

Create a life of passion, purpose, & meaning.

Connect your mind and body, heal what was hurt, and forge a path forward to claim your life, gifts, and drive.

Call me now to schedule your free consultation. I can’t wait to join you on this journey.