Couples Therapy

You wonder how you got here.

You fight over what seems like the most insignificant things.

You can’t seem to talk to each other without a fight erupting or a big argument.

You accuse each other of the most hurtful things, hurting each other deeply in the process.

Then, you numb out. Trying to distract yourself from the pain, you give each other the cold shoulder… until the next thing that sparks another argument.

You might be asking yourself if you even LIKE the person you’re living with.

Hardly anyone can trigger us as our partner can.

And it hurts like no other pain does.

This is because intimate partnerships feature attachment mechanisms like those of infancy when we depended on our caregivers for all our needs. How we connect to an intimate partner usually mirrors how we attached to those primary caregivers early in life.

Because this early bond is so important, it’s hardwired in us; it’s a deep imprint that follows us and impacts our relationships later in adulthood.

At the same time, intimate relationships are one of the most potent spaces for healing our deepest wounds – for finding the most nourishing connection, love, interdependence, and validation.

When the intimacy is gone…

It’s extremely lonely and painful. You feel unsatisfied and misunderstood.

Sometimes, it feels like you’re two strangers living parallel lives, and you have no idea how to find a way back to each other.

Underneath it all, though… you still love each other.

1378530206Fortunately, it’s possible to find that connection again.

That’s great news for all of us… because feeling safe and connected to another is a fundamental human need.

But you’ll need the right guidance to get it back.

Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples (EFT) is an internationally recognized approach to helping couples rekindle their connection and feel safe again in their relationship. It aims to identify the root causes of your issues and resolve past hurts, resentments, and misunderstandings.

EFT is based on the idea that humans need to feel securely connected to their partners and loved ones…

When those connections are threatened or lost, we often cope with negative reactions like anger, criticism, distractions, and distancing.

768204406Here’s what we’ll do…

Through EFT, we’ll create a safe space in your relationship where each partner’s needs for connection, security, and validation are acknowledged and appreciated.

When we feel safe, loved, and protected, we have more space to receive, appreciate, and respond to each other’s needs with understanding and empathy.

In a relationship characterized by love and compassion, you can deal with conflict or difficult emotions more collaboratively and effectively.

Only then can you fully show up as who you are… and be fully present and responsive to your partner.

319596401Don’t put this off any longer…

If you yearn for more connection, intimacy, joy, and resilience in your relationship…

If you’re ready to step out of this painful cycle with your partner…

It’s time to take a step toward healing.

Call today to schedule a free 20-minute consultation. I look forward to hearing from you: (267) 341-7421.