Anxiety and Depression

116417590An uncomfortable cycle…

Intrusive thoughts, hyper-vigilance, always being on high alert…

Racing heart, sweaty palms, a pit in the abdomen…

Numbing out, shutting down, and losing interest…

Lack of energy, drive, and exhaustion…

And the cycle continues…

Where does it all come from… and why?

What if your anxiety and depression were only symptoms of a much deeper issue?

What if they’re messengers… pointing us to where true healing must occur?

Well, that’s exactly what may be going on. They’re like the engine light on the car dash – signaling that the engine needs attention. They’re NOT just a nuisance to cover up with duct tape or destroy with a hammer!

So, escaping or shutting down these symptoms would be counterproductive in the long run.

More on your “check engine light”…

The symptoms of anxiety and depression are rooted in survival mechanisms we developed early in life to make sense of our world and overcome challenges that overwhelmed us at the time.

They connect to core beliefs like, “I’m not good enough,” “My feelings are too much,” or “I don’t matter.” These beliefs are not true, but they were the intelligent response to an overwhelming situation at the time.

Now that we have more tools to deal with them, we can follow the breadcrumbs of anxiety and depression and find our way to deep healing.

2263251029Let’s follow the breadcrumbs… together.

Using somatic work and mindfulness, we’ll look deeper…

Sometimes, we have negative experiences that overwhelm our ability to cope… or our needs for safety, connection, and love are not adequately met.

When you don’t have the tools to process those experiences, you subconsciously “decide” that either (a) you don’t need those things (e.g., “I don’t need anyone; I can take care of myself” or (b) you’re not worth of them (so you shouldn’t expect them from others).

This highly intelligent strategy worked to some degree by detaching yourself from the disappointment that comes with needing and expecting anything from others.

You learned to become hypervigilant. You looked for danger around every corner or cut yourself off from your own needs, wants, desires, and joy.

But, as you know, these strategies shrink your world, robbing you of the freedom that comes when you process these feelings and heal them.

It’s time to fill in the gaps…

How and why did you form those limiting beliefs?

What experiences have you missed out on by shutting yourself off from connection and love?

What’s possible for you with a more accurate assessment of your identity and worth?

If you’re ready to look more deeply into what’s behind your anxiety and depression, reach out for a free 20-minute consultation. I would be happy to explore if this approach is a good fit for you.

Call, email, or fill out the contact form below.