About Therapy With Me

There is no right or wrong way to do therapy.

It’s perfectly normal to be confused, have reservations, or feel nervous when starting something new; therapy is no exception.

Each person has their own unique challenges, backgrounds, and personalities – therapy for each person will be different.

That’s why the best thing you can do is show up as you are, and we’ll figure out the rest.

2338747615Everyone needs to feel connected.

The ability to connect to a trusted and compassionate individual is one of life’s most basic needs and a necessary part of creating change and healing.

You will not be doing it alone; I’ll be there every step of the way listening to you, attuning to your feelings, and helping you heal and make sense of your life.

It’s time to embrace your authentic self.

You won’t be judged for being yourself.

My first and most important job is to help create safety so that you feel free to show up just the way you are without fear of being judged.

I want to create a space where you can explore how you feel and act with curiosity and fascination rather than judgment and self-criticism.

When we practice love and compassion for ourselves, others, and life, we can choose whether to continue being controlled by negative habits or start acting in alignment with our values.

Therapy is a gift you give to yourself.

And the gift you receive from doing this work is yourself – self-understanding, self-compassion, and self-love.

Many clients start therapy unable to imagine ever developing compassion toward themselves.

But after learning to explore their own inner workings with openness and curiosity, they are able to understand themselves, their roots, and their ancestry to finally gain understanding, compassion, love, and inspiration.

1111512254Positive effects ripple out.

When you do the inner work, your world benefits.

Your relationships improve, and the positive impact extends to your loved ones and beyond.

There’s so much confusion out there from unprocessed pain and trauma. One of the best things we can do for ourselves, our loved ones, and the world is starting to heal.

About me.

​What brought me here is my own healing journey as well as the desire to share with others the empowerment and joy that I found.

I started practicing meditation as a teen, after which I progressed to studying Yoga, Tai Chi, dance, and conscious movement. Nature has always been a trusted companion on my healing journey (as has dance and conscious movement). From an early age, I’ve been fascinated with the natural world and the inner workings of the mind, body, and relationships.

Each new practice I learned along my journey took me to the next level of healing, which I was able to share with others. When my journey led me to a somatic psychotherapist, and I experienced the healing and freedom possible through this work, I had to share it with others!

Soon after, I enrolled in an intensive two-year Hakomi training, during which I decided to go back to school, get a degree in counseling, and do this work as a vocation and a calling.

I earned my master’s degree in mental health counseling and have extensive training in somatic and family therapy. As a psychotherapist, I’ve worked with a wide range of people, from teens to seniors, those struggling with anxiety and depression, substance use, and eating disorders – and everything in between.

I continue improving my skills by learning new modalities and doing my own deep work. It is my mission to share healing and transformation so this world can be a safer and healthier place.

I get so much joy and satisfaction each time I sit with a client. My journey continues through my work as a psychotherapist, mother, partner, and student of life.

When I’m not working with clients.

I love to hike, garden, dance, spend time with friends and in nature, and travel the world with family.

One of my favorite destinations is my home country, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I was born and raised.

I love to spend an extended amount of time each year connecting to my roots and the land that gave me life.